
Why Is The Audio Bible Speaking Rendille? That Voice..

We took some audio Bible (s) to Laisamis, Marsabit Kenya. This was an exciting mission. The Rendille are majorly muslim.

‘That’s an interesting story. Play the next one…’ said a woman in Rendille language while others laughed. We had just played the scripture from Matthew; a story about how Jesus called his disciples and promised to make them fishers of men. As requested we moved forward to the scripture where Jesus was being baptized and stopped the player after Matthew 3:17 ( And a voice from heaven said, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased!”)

.. Is God A Rendille?

One of the old women laughed so hard and asked ‘Is Jesus Rendille?’ It was at this point we knew that travelling to Laisamis in Marsabit was not going to be in vain. The Rendille listened and they showed their thirst for the word of God. We thank God for the Bible listening group leaders. Please keep them in your prayers as they continue to share God’s voice amongst the Rendille.

Our local missionaries are always cheerful as they walk manyatta to manyatta with the word of God in our solar audio Bible players. More rendille lives are transformed daily in Korr and beyond. We continue to pray for more Rendille to take up pastoral lessons to cater for the growing need in Korr. And for more to accept christianity and receive the transformation of God.

Children from Akero’s church can now recite the whole Bible as they heard from the Rendille audio Bible: Read more

Bring more to Christ in Korr: Read more here

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