
Audio Bible; Bringing More To The Rendille

The Rendille Audio Bible is becoming more and more popular among the Rendille community. We have been taking Rendille audio Bibles to the Rendille through our local missionaries.

Approximately 550 kilometers from Nairobi, there is a village called Korr. In 2021, we trained more Bible listening group leaders in Korr. Akero (not her real name) is one of the audio Bible listening group leaders trained.

Akero ‘not her real name’ and her baby

After the training, she took the audio Bible back to her village and started lisening to it every day with her family, outside her manyatta.

Other women, who were led by curiosity to know this device, joined her to listen. What was amazing to them was that the device spoke in their language.

Slowly she tuned them from believing that this device was a radio to believing that this was God’s voice and they believed that God was speaking in Rendille. The more they enjoyed the stories , the more women from her village joined her and without them realizing, the number grew to 50.

We need a pastor to minister to us what we have heard from these audio Bibles

Akero, who is not a trained pastor, felt the need for a pastor. She reached out to our local missionary and Pst. David, who shares with us the joy of this testimony immediately came in to act as their pastor.

Our local missionaries are always cheerful as they walk manyatta to manyatta with the word of God in our solar audio Bible players. More rendille lives are transformed daily in Korr and beyond. We continue to pray for more Rendille to take up pastoral lessons to cater for the growing need in Korr.

Children from Akero’s church recite the Book of Matthew

Children from Akero’s church can now recite the whole Bible as they heard from the Rendille audio Bible: Read more

Why Is The Audio Bible Speaking Rendille? That Voice.. Read more

Have we recorded the Bible in your language?Find out

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