
What Can Wash Away Our Pain? The Turkana Audio Bible…

Women and pray for the rains in Kopeto village after a long dry spell

As we went back to Kopeto village for our Audio Bible Listening Group follow up program, we realized the Turkana had experienced a long spell of drought and famine. Because of this it was difficult for many of them to join our listening groups training at the Church. Children had not gone to school for a while too because there was no food.

Turkana (Kopeto Village) praying for the rains after Bible Listening Discussion

After the Audio Bible Listening discussion, we invited the listening group for prayer. Surprisingly, the whole groups stood up and requested that we pray for the rains.

We all prayed fervently, some in tears and others hands up for the rains. By God’s grace before sunset that day, we experienced light showers. The following day, as we proceeded with our Audio Bible Listening group follow up program, there was heavy rain.

This experience built their faith. They committed themselves to learning God’s word continuously and getting involved in church activities. The group has helped create more Bible Listening Groups in other villages.

Kopeto Audio Bible Listening Program

In 2019, Pst. Haggai was trained and given 25 Turkana Audio Bibles to use for the ministry among the Turkanas. Our aim was to work with him in creating 25 Turkana Audio Bible listening groups in the community.

Kopeto is located 60 Kilometers from Lodwar town. It is an area occupied by the Turkana community. This is a semi-arid region. The Turkana are nomadic pastoralists. We saw the need to take Turkana Audio Bibles to Kopeto Village and establish Listening groups in the Community.

In this location, we have Pastor Joseph Haggai as our local missionary. He made a huge sacrifice to travel 60 Kilometers so that the Turkana can hear God’s voice.

Read about our earlier mission in Kopeto here ; Audio Bible (s) aids establishment of the first church in Kopeto

Has the Bible been recorded in your language yet? Find out here

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